Underwater view of a ship's propeller

Promotion of transport law, in particular maritime law science and research

Welcome to the website of the Rolf Herber Foundation
Here you will find information on our funding objectives and support opportunities. The Rolf Herber Foundation would like to support students, young researchers and lecturers in their projects to discuss, research and further develop German and international maritime trade and transport law.

This field of law was the passion and life's work of the founder Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber. It is the declared aim of this foundation to preserve his life's work and to support the further development of German and international maritime trade and transport law. Its issues are of essential importance in the context of international trade and should also receive increased attention in research, science and education.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber

1929 - 2020

Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber was born in Aachen on 23 March 1929 and died in Hamburg on 15 July 2020 at the age of 91 (→ to the book of condolence). After studying law and gaining his doctorate in Cologne, he became a judge at the Regional Court in Bonn and a little later a desk officer and head of the sub-department for commercial and company law at the Federal Ministry of Justice. In 1984 he was appointed professor of commercial law, in particular maritime trade law, at the University of Hamburg. In 1984, he founded the German Association for Transport Law, as whose chairman he served for more than three decades.

He was one of the most outstanding German law teachers in the field of international trade, maritime trade and transport law. He represented the Federal Republic of Germany at international conferences in the negotiation of several supranational conventions in the field of trade and transport law. Since this brief description cannot fully describe to his work, you will find a more detailed description of his achievements here (pdf). We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski's family and the publishing house Mohr Siebeck for permission to publish this text

Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber

The Rolf Herber Foundation

The Rolf Herber Foundation is a foundation under civil law with legal capacity and was established after his death in 2021. According to its statutes, the aim of the foundation is to promote science and research in transport law, in particular maritime trade law.

The Rolf Herber Foundation would like to support young academics, students and lecturers in discussing and developing German and international maritime trade and transport law.

The board currently consists of Hartmuth Sager, Dr Tobias Eckardt and Dr Julia Hörnig.

Funding opportunities

The declared purpose of the Rolf Herber Foundation is to promote science and research in transport and maritime trade law. The Rolf Herber Foundation therefore supports completed dissertations and, in justified cases, master's theses in the field of transport and maritime trade law with a printing subsidy. Theses may be written in English or German. In addition, the Foundation may enable young people to participate in events, seminars, symposia and/or colloquia by providing financial support as well as promote or organise seminars, other events and/or educational concepts (such as moot courts).

Applicants are requested to include assessment reports, if applicable, as well as a brief summary of the work, a curriculum vitae in table form, and a statement as to whether funding has already been received elsewhere, and to send this to the Foundation. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. We expressly point out that there is the possibility of publishing summaries of the work worthy of support in the journal Transportrecht, which was founded by Prof. Herber.


Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2
D-20459 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (40) 37 85 88-0
Email: info@rolf-herber-stiftung.de

Hartmuth Sager (Chairman)
Dr. Tobias Eckhardt (Deputy Chairman)
Dr. Julia Hörnig

German Society for Transport Law

The German Society for Transport Law promotes the development of German and international transport law in the interest of science and all those involved in transport.


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